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Best Wishes and Red Pockets for the Year of the Snake
To celebrate the Year of the Snake, InfoTech offers red pockets (HK$100) to all serving seconded staff through autopay on 3 February 2024. Staff do not need to come up to our office to collect it. Staff may call Vincent LI at 3978 8004 or David KWOK at 3978 8023 for details.
In January 2025, an InfoTech's representative was interviewed by the Hong Kong Professional and Senior Executives Association (HKPASEA). We envisage that Hong Kong is undergoing in its second period of opportunities for technological development since our return to China. We must seize these opportunities to focus on developing core sectors such as life and health technology, FinTech, building more data centres to serve the Greater Bay Area, and the Asia-Pacific in general. We also recommend providing an appropriate number of talent apartments for technical professionals. We emphasized that technical skills acquired by the young technical generation should always align with market demands and encouraged youngsters to be written Chinese and English bilingual, and orally Cantonese, Putonghua and English trilingual.
InfoTech's Human Resources Business Unit is delighted to present our serving contract staff in Hong Kong a box of four pieces 'white lotus seed paste mooncake with two egg yolks' for celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival 2024. For T26 contract staff, please come up to our Lippo Centre's office to collect your mooncake coupons from 13 August 2024 (Tue) to 6 September 2024 (Fri). For non-T26 contract staff, please come to collect from 4 September 2024 (Wed) to 13 September 2024 (Fri). Should you have any enquiries, please contact Zoe CHAU 3978 8002 or Emma CHENG 3978 8041. In order to reduce waste and help the underprivileged, the uncollected mooncake coupons will be donated to the Food Angel of The Community Chest.
On 20 June 2024, InfoTech selected and awarded InfoTech Job Market Driven Scholarship to three graduates from the Department of Computer Science, Department of Electrical Engineering and School of Data Science from the City University of Hong Kong. The selection was based on the quality and relevancy of the final year projects among applicants in adopting IT hot skills highly sought by the contemporary IT job market. The selection panel consisted of experienced InfoTech's representative and professor of the relevant subjects of the University.
On 8 June 2024, InfoTech selected and awarded InfoTech Job Market Driven Scholarships to two first-degree graduates from the Department of Computing of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The selection was based on the quality and relevancy of the final year projects among applicants in adopting IT hot skills highly sought by the contemporary IT job market. The selection panel consisted of experienced InfoTech's representative and professors of the relevant subjects of the University.
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